Can a Wisdom Tooth Cause a Headache?

Wisdom teeth can cause a variety of dental issues, but did you know they may also be responsible for triggering headaches? As these teeth emerge, often in our late teens or early twenties, they can push against other teeth, get stuck (impacted), or create pressure in the jaw, all of which can result in discomfort far beyond the mouth. If you’ve been suffering from unexplained headaches and suspect your wisdom teeth may be to blame, you’re not alone.

At Najmi Dental, we often treat patients who experience this frustrating combination of symptoms. Understanding the connection between your wisdom teeth and headaches is the first step toward finding relief.

How Are Wisdom Teeth and Headaches Connected?

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to emerge, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. Due to limited space in the mouth, these teeth often grow at odd angles or fail to fully erupt. When this happens, they can press against the surrounding teeth, nerves, and jawbone, causing tension and discomfort. This pressure can lead to headaches.

Impacted wisdom teeth, in particular, are a common culprit for headaches. When a wisdom tooth is impacted, it is unable to fully emerge from the gum line, leading to swelling, irritation, and pressure in the jaw. This pressure can radiate into the head, creating what is known as a referred pain—discomfort that is felt in a different part of the body than where the issue originates.

Jaw tension can also cause tension headaches. When your wisdom teeth struggle to come through, the muscles around your jaw may tighten in response, leading to pain that extends to your head, neck, and even shoulders.

Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth-Related Headaches

If your headaches are related to your wisdom teeth, you may experience several other symptoms along with the pain. Common indicators that your headaches could be linked to wisdom tooth issues include:

  • Jaw pain or stiffness: You might feel pain or tightness in your jaw, which can worsen when chewing or talking.
  • Swelling in the gums or jaw: If a wisdom tooth is impacted, you may notice swelling or tenderness in the area where the tooth is attempting to emerge.
  • Earaches: Since the jaw is located near the ears, pain from an impacted wisdom tooth can sometimes be mistaken for an ear infection.
  • Sore gums or bleeding: The gums around the wisdom teeth may be sore, tender, or prone to bleeding due to irritation from the emerging tooth.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth: In some cases, the discomfort can make it difficult to fully open your mouth, which can add to the tension in your head and jaw.

If you notice these symptoms accompanying your headaches, it’s worth consulting a dentist to see if wisdom teeth removal might be the solution. At Najmi Dental in Fairfield, we offer comprehensive assessments and treatments to address these types of dental issues.

How to Relieve Headaches Caused by Wisdom Teeth

Managing headaches caused by wisdom teeth requires both short-term and long-term solutions. Here are some ways to alleviate the pain until you can visit your dentist:

1. Pain Relief Medications

Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can provide temporary relief from headaches and jaw pain. Ibuprofen, in particular, is an anti-inflammatory medication that can help reduce swelling around the wisdom teeth, potentially easing the pressure that causes headaches. However, this is a short-term solution for pain removal, and it’s essential to see a dentist for a proper diagnosis.

2. Cold Compress

Applying a cold compress to the outside of your jaw can help reduce inflammation and numb the area, which may relieve the tension contributing to your headache. Hold the cold pack against your cheek for 15-20 minutes, taking breaks in between.

3. Jaw Exercises

Gentle stretching and massage of the jaw muscles can help release tension and prevent headaches. Try opening and closing your mouth slowly, or lightly massaging the muscles along your jawline to ease discomfort. Avoid clenching your jaw, as this can exacerbate the problem.

4. Improve Your Posture

Poor posture can contribute to jaw tension and headaches. If you tend to hunch over a desk or hold your phone at awkward angles, this can place additional strain on your neck and jaw muscles. Making an effort to sit up straight and keep your head level can help reduce the frequency of headaches.

5. Avoid Hard or Chewy Foods

Hard or chewy foods can worsen the pain in your jaw and increase the likelihood of tension headaches. Stick to softer foods, especially during times when your wisdom teeth are causing discomfort.

Why Professional Dental Care Is Essential

While the remedies above can provide temporary relief, it’s crucial to address the root cause of your headaches. Ignoring impacted wisdom teeth can lead to more severe dental issues, such as infection, damage to other teeth, or even cysts. At Najmi Dental, we perform thorough assessments to determine whether wisdom tooth extraction is the best course of action.

Our dentists are experienced in handling all aspects of wisdom tooth care, from monitoring their development to performing extractions when necessary. In some cases, early removal of the wisdom teeth can prevent future headaches and other complications.

The Process of Wisdom Tooth Removal

If your dentist determines that your wisdom teeth are the cause of your headaches, they may recommend removal. The procedure is straightforward and commonly performed in dental practices across Australia.

Before the procedure, we will take X-rays of your teeth to assess the position of the wisdom teeth and determine the best approach for removal. The extraction itself is usually completed under local anesthesia to ensure you remain comfortable throughout.

Following the procedure, you will be given instructions on how to care for your mouth as it heals. Most patients experience minimal discomfort and can resume their regular activities within a few days.

When to See a Dentist

If your headaches are becoming more frequent or severe, and you suspect that your wisdom teeth are the cause, it’s time to visit a dentist. At Najmi Dental in Fairfield, we offer expert wisdom tooth assessments and extractions to help alleviate pain and prevent future issues.

Our team is dedicated to providing gentle and effective dental care. Whether you need a consultation for wisdom tooth removal or advice on managing your symptoms, we’re here to help.


Wisdom teeth can cause more than just pain in your mouth—they can also lead to headaches and tension in the surrounding muscles. If you’ve been dealing with frequent headaches and suspect your wisdom teeth might be the issue, it’s essential to seek professional care.

Contact Najmi Dental, we specialise in diagnosing and treating wisdom tooth-related issues. Whether you need extraction or advice on managing your symptoms, our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Book an appointment with us today and let us help you find relief from your wisdom tooth headaches and improve your overall oral health.