Bridge the gap in your smile with our custom-made dental bridges. Restore your bite and confidence with a natural-looking, long-lasting solution. Contact us to schedule a consultation.
Don’t let gaps in your smile hold you back. We make dental bridges in Fairfield to fill those spaces to restore your smile and bite.
Dental bridges are a solution to replace one or more missing teeth. Typically, a bridge consists of two crowns placed on the teeth on either side of a gap (called abutment teeth) and a false tooth or teeth in between (called pontics). It can be used to help treat those suffering from multiple decayed, damaged or missing teeth restoring the smile and function. We specialise in crafting dental bridges using state-of-the-art technology to match the shade and contour of your natural teeth.
Dental bridges are a solution to replace one or more missing teeth. Typically, a bridge consists of two crowns placed on the teeth on either side of a gap (called abutment teeth) and a false tooth or teeth in between (called pontics). It can be used to help treat those suffering from multiple decayed, damaged or missing teeth restoring the smile and function. We specialise in crafting dental bridges using state-of-the-art technology to match the shade and contour of your natural teeth.
The dental bridge procedure takes place in two visits and are seamless, virtually pain-free appointments. An initial consultation is required to assess the teeth and need for a bridge:
1- Consultation and Smile Design
A full mouth assessment is done during the initial appointment to check the health of the teeth to be used for the bridge and size/shape of the gap present. The way you speak, smile and bite are analysed. A 3D Digital Scan of your teeth is taken to help with the planning of your dental bridge.
2- Preparation of Teeth & Temporary Bridge
During the first appointment of your bridge process, the teeth used to hold the bridge are prepared for dental crowns or attachments depending on your bridge design. A digital scan is taken and sent to our skilled lab technicians to craft. A temporary bridge is placed at the end of this appointment which allows you to test drive your new smile and final bridge.
3- Final Bridge Application
During the final appointment the temporary bridge is removed and replaced with the final white coloured bridge. This can be a porcelain bridge, zirconia bridge or metal-based bridge depending on what is best suited for you functionally and aesthetically. It is also bonded to your teeth with high strength cement material.
Dental bridges can last between 5 to 15 years. In some cases, it can last longer with proper care and maintenance.
No, only a dentist can remove a dental bridge by cutting it out. It is bonded with high strength cement that makes it impossible to come out.
Our dentists in Fairfield will go over patient personalised care instructions for a dental bridge. We recommended brushing twice a day and flossing once to remove all the build up around and under the bridge. There are special ways of flossing under your bridge that our dentist will teach you. Some patients may be recommended to wear a night guard to protect their bridge and improve longevity.
Our team of professionals is committed to providing you with the guidance and support you need to achieve a bright and confident smile.
Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 9am – 7pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 7pm
Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm
Sunday: Closed